充分挖掘各种教学资源 创设语法课的教学情境

2017-02-08 11:38:00
河南省郑州市第十六中学 昝亚娟





根据建构主义学习理论,学生的知识不是单纯通过教师的传授获得的,而是学习者在一定的情境中,在教师的引导下主动构建的。由此可见,在语法教学的过程中,教师应积极创设教学情境。以知识建构为目标,以情境创设为手段,创设有利于学生学习的教学环境,引导学生在一定出学习情境中,主动体验、感知和建构知识,发展语言能力。 因此基于教学目标创设教学情境成为当今教师面临的一个重要研究课题,教师的情境创设能力直接影响课堂教学的成败。


1. 教师成为教学资源的开发者


2. 突出学生的主体作用

传统的语法课通常采用灌输式填鸭式课堂教学模式,不利于发挥学生的主动性,抑制了学生自主学习能力的发展。苏联教育家苏霍姆林斯基说:在人的心灵深处, 都有一种根深蒂固的需要, 就是希望感到自己是一个发现者、研究者、探索者。置身于教学情境中的学生很容易产生探究的愿望,他们主动探究、质疑和讨论,积极构建知识,成为积极的学习者。

 3. 促进学生的身心健康发展




1. 充分利用教材资源创设教学情境

有些教师缺乏教学的创造性,只局限于照本念经。所以教材上有什么,他们就讲什么,没有充分地利用教材中的教学资源创设教学情境。其实,根据教学的需要,我们重新利用教材中的教学资源,教材中的文本进行合理的改编,来创设教学情境。例如:人教Book 3 Unit 3 的标题是The Million Pound Bank Note。课文节选自19世纪美国著名小说家马克·吐温的剧本《百万英镑》。由于单元语法项目是名词性从句(宾语从句和标语从句),我们可把剧本进行改编,利用学生熟悉剧本内容的优势,在连接词处挖空,让学生进行短文填空,学习名词性从句的用法。  

My name is Henry. I am now in London. The fact is that I was born in America. The reason why I came to London is that I love adventures. That was why I sailed out of the bay one day and got lost at sea. Fortunately I was taken to London by ship by accident. My worry was how I could make a living here.

The other day, I was wandering in the street when two wealthy brothers saw me and asked me some questions. Their concern was whether I had any friends or relatives in London. The reason why they gave me an envelop was that they made a bet on me. They were wondering whether my life would be changed by the million pound bank note. To be honest, I needed the money badly because I was very hungry.

2. 利用经典故事创造教学情境

教师可用一些学生耳熟能详的经典故事来创造语法教学情境,不仅可以激发学生的学习兴趣,而且能唤起学生的美好情感,起到一箭双雕之效。例如:教师可以利用丹麦著名童话作家安徒生的《卖火柴的小女孩》(The Little Match Girl)来创设学习状语从句的教学情境。教师事先在连接词处挖空,让学生读短文,然后填出连词。

The story happens on a cold New Year's Eve. A poor little girl is trying to sell matches in the street. She is trembling from cold because it is snowing hard. However, she is afraid to go home because her father will beat her for not selling any matches. She has no choice but sit down in a street corner.

The girl lights the matches so that she can warm herself. In their glow she sees several lovely visions(美景), including a Christmas tree and a holiday feast. The girl looks up and sees a shooting star. Then she remembers her dead grandmother saying that when you a falling star, it means someone is dying and is going to Heaven. As she lights the next match, she sees a vision of her grandmother, the only person who has treated her with love and kindness. She strikes one match after another to keep the vision of her grandmother alive for as long as she can.

After she ran out of matches, the girl dies, and her grandmother carries her soul to Heaven. The next morning, passers-by find the child dead in the street and feel pity for her, although they had not shown kindness to her before her death.

 Andersen intended this to be a happy ending, as the girl is happy in Heaven with her grandmother and God, never to suffer in poverty again. Some more modern versions have changed the ending, so that a kind family rescues the girl from the cold and gives her good food, warm clothing, and a soft bed.

3. 利用英语电影创设教学情境


Mary Lennox is a 10-year-old girl born in India. She loses her parents in an earthquake and is returned to England to live at her uncle's his home in Yorkshire.

Mary seldom meets her uncle Archibald Craven because he is still feeling sad for his wife who died by accident ten years before. Neglected once again, Mary begins exploring the manor(庄园) aimlessly and discovers a garden that has been locked for ten years. Helped by her maid Martha’s brother Dickon, she plants many plants in the garden, and discovers some other secrets of the manor.

Mary finds her cousin called Colin, a sickly boy who has been told to remain in bed out of the daylight all the time. Once Mary and Dickon have brought the garden back to life, they decide to take Colin to the garden, where they have fun playing together.

After spending some time in the garden, Colin has improved his health. When Mr. Craven receives a letter from Martha's mother, he takes the opportunity to come home. When he walks to the garden, he hears some children talking and laughing, finds the door unlocked, and is shocked to see the garden full of life. The servants were so surprised at the sight of Mr. Craven walking back to the manor with Colin running beside him.

4. 利用英语歌曲创设教学情境

在英语课堂播放一些脍炙人口的英语歌曲,不仅能提高英语语法学习的积极性,而且还能帮助学生了解西方文化。更重要的是,英语歌词中的经典句子提供了语法教学的绝佳情境。例如,美国情歌王子理查德·马克斯(Richard Marx)自己弹唱的一首英语歌曲 《此情可待》(Right Here Waiting)歌词中有很多状语从句。让学生一边欣赏这首歌曲,一边学习状语从句,简直是一种听觉盛宴。
      Oceans apart day after day,

And I slowly go insane. 
      I hear your voice on the line,

But it doesn't stop the pain.  
      If I see you next to never,

How can we say forever? 

Wherever you go,

Whatever you do,

I will be right here waiting for you 
Whatever it takes

Or how my heart breaks,

I will be right here waiting for you 

再如,著名美国歌手迈克尔·波顿(Michael·Bolton)用略带沙哑的嗓音演唱的英语歌曲This is the way为学习定语从句提供很好的教学情境。借助于视频中精彩的画面和强烈的节凑,充分调动学生的各种器官参与学习过程,大大提高学习的效果,也使学生体验语法学习的快乐。

This is the way that we live
This is the world where our dreams survive
Fight for the love that we give
The love that we make is all in the way that we live
The way that we live, the way that we live
In our lives there’s so much useless information
The truth is as simple as the air that we breathe
So many souls with the need for human affirmation
You and I choose to believe we are free!
5. 利用生活经历创设教学情境


Writing example: 

In order to encourage the students to learn to show concern about others, a lecture whose theme was “Always Be Kind to Others” was given on the lecture hall in my school last week. All the students and teachers participated in the activity.  

The speaker was Wang Kuan, one of the ten people who moved China in 2015. He shared with us his personal experience in details. He has been taking care of some orphans with the help of his wife since he retired in 1988. He had to sing for the guests in the pubs in order to collect money for the orphans.

We were so deeply moved by Wang Kuan’s story that we are determined to help others to make the earth a better place.  

将来进行时是学生在高中阶段学习的一个重要的语法项目。将来进行时主要表示将来某时间正在进行的动作或在将来某一时间开始并继续下去的动作。将来进行时的构成是“主语+will/shall be doing”教师可引导学生使用将来进行时大胆畅想未来的生活,然后与同学们分享自己的英语作文。

Writing example: 

It is very interesting to imagine what my life will be like in the future. I am sure that my life will be quite different from what it is now.  

I will be 28 in ten years. I will be working as an architect and designing fantastic buildings in different parts of the world. I will be working hard and living a happy life. I will be staying at home with my wife and my children at weekends. In my spare time, I will be playing music to relax myself. I will be playing Ping Pang to keep fit.   

All in all, my life will be happy and colorful. I am looking forward to my new life.






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